Pho Ever | Vietnamese Restaurant in Hales Corners, WI 53130


Menu for every taste food


Always fresh ingredients


Chefs are ready to treat you

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Pho Ever

Craving some delicious Vietnamese food or looking for a romantic date or even a family outing, Pho Ever is your ideal destination. Located conveniently in Hales Corners, WI 53130, Pho Ever is famous for the very freshest Vietnamese dishes.

Pho is a traditional Vietnamese soup consisting of broth, noodles, meat, and fresh herbs. Its unique flavor is made by simmering beef and chicken bones, along with various spices, for hours and hours until the taste is just right.

When coming to our restaurant, customers can also enjoy many dishes such as noodles, rice, steamed rice, and other dishes with the tasty and unique flavor of Vietnamese cuisine. At Pho Ever, the menu is thoughtfully put together to complement the flavors we offer.

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Pho Ever

Our Special Menu


Pho Ever

Customers can order our menu via Uber Eats, Door Dash
